Report to:

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Date of meeting:


13 December 2021


Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Petition for improved safety measures – Robertson’s Hill, Hastings



To consider a petition requesting improved safety measures on Robertson’s Hill, Hastings.



RECOMMENDATION: The Lead Member is recommended to advise petitioners that:

A potential scheme to provide:

·         A one-way system

·         A footway outside of Nos. 1-3 Robertson’s Hill,

·         Traffic calming measures including a 20mph speed limit, speed bumps, width restriction and/or a priority working system,

has been assessed through our approved High Level Sift process and is not a priority for the County Council at the present time; and consideration could be given to an application to the Community Match Initiative for local highway improvements.



1       Background Information

1.1.        At the County Council meeting on 23 July 2021, a petition was presented to the Chairman by Councillor Godfrey Daniel and Councillor Julia Hilton on behalf of a group of residents of the Robertson’s Hill area of Hastings. The petitioners request improved safety measures on Robertson’s Hill by the introduction of one of the following:

·         Implement a one-way system from the bottom of Robertson’s Hill to the top, including Hardwicke Road

·         Provide a footway outside of numbers 1, 2 and 3 Robertson’s Hill.

·         Implement traffic calming measures including a 20mph speed limit, speed bumps, a width restriction and/or a priority working system.

1.2.        A copy of the petition is available in the Members’ Room. Standing Orders provide that where the Chairman considers it appropriate, petitions are considered by the relevant Committee or Lead Member and a spokesperson for the petitioners is invited to address the Committee. The Chairman has referred this petition to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment.


2     Supporting Information

2.1.        Robertson’s Hill is covered by a 30mph speed limit as indicated by the system of street lighting in the road. It is a residential road with a footway on the western side. The properties fronting Robertson’s Hill are on the opposite side of the road to the footway. A location plan and site images can be found at Appendix 1.

2.2.        Crash data supplied by Sussex Police for the period 01/10/2018 – 30/09/2021 shows that there have been no crashes resulting in personal injury within Robertson’s Hill, with two slight injury crashes recorded at the junction with the A259. The location of these crashes is shown at Appendix 2 by the green squares.

2.3.        The County Council has a limited amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and we need to ensure that we target our resources to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to our local communities. To help us prioritise the numerous requests received for improvements, we developed a process to determine which schemes should be funded through our Integrated Transport Programme. The request for a one-way system, a footway outside Nos. 1-3 Robertson’s Hill, a 20mph speed limit and associated traffic calming measures and/or a width restriction have been assessed to determine if they might be a priority for further consideration. The proposal(s) did not meet the benchmark score to enable them to be taken forward.

2.4.        In relation to concerns about dangerous or anti-social driving, or vehicles travelling in excess of the speed limit, residents are advised to contact Sussex Police via the Operation Crackdown scheme. Residents are also advised to consider using the Community Speed Watch programme.

2.5       Whilst the introduction of improved safety measures on Robertson’s Hill is not a priority for the County Council at the present time, an application through the Community Match Initiative could be considered. It is therefore suggested that the residents contact Hastings Borough Council to see whether they would support an investigation into the feasibility of the introduction of such measures. Details of the Community Match Initiative and the costs associated with a feasibility study and speed surveys can be provided if required.


3     Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1.        It is recommended that the Lead Member for Transport and Environment agrees that the implementation of a one-way system, 20mph speed restriction with associated traffic calming and a width restriction, as requested by the petitioners, is not presently a priority for funding from the County Council’s budget. 



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact Officer: Victoria Bartholomew
Tel. No. 01424 724284



Councillor Hilton


